
Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

My Days ( 1 )

Time gone by so fast for me. December 2012 was the last update of my blog. Now is August 2013 :D, its summer break ! I hope you guys are doing okay in everywhere you are.
I have been here almost one year. The first time I came here was around August 6th or 7th. Today is August 2nd when I am writing this new post for my blog. A lot of things happened during my first year. I learned a lot about American culture especially when I was staying with my host family for Christmas break and summer break this year.

I stay with the same host family from Christmas break last year. My host family is very nice and kind. I am so grateful to have them here. I feel that my host family is my second family after my family back home. I do not feel lonely because I have a host family here who take care of me like my family in Indonesia. Sometimes I went to their family's event such as when they have dinner together and many others.

Last year on December was the first time for me to see snow in my life. As we know, there is only two seasons in Indonesia which is wet and dry season. So, December 19th was the first day we got snow in Hesston city. I stayed with two other friends Nadia who comes from Indonesia and Christine who comes from South Korea. Nadia and I were very excited about the snow because we never see it. This is some pictures of our first time to see snow !
This is Nadia and me.
This is Christine and I
We were hugging each other because it was so cold!:D hahaha
Christine and Nadia were making love korean symbol
"Saranghae - 사랑해" in Korea.
It was around 11:00 p.m. and we went outside the house to see and to play with the snow. Anyway, it was nice and it was one of the best things I had in my life. :)
My friends and I also went to our college and played snow there with other friends.
This is me and my friends. From left to right; Celine, Nadia A. , Christine, Vicky, and Nadia L.

Sometimes I am still thinking if I am in my dream now. As I mentioned in my previous post, studying abroad is my dream. However, it is not only my dream now since I have been studying in Hesston College since last year.
We never know what is God's plan for our life. Remember "He has mad everything beautiful in it's time ( Ecclesiastes 3:11 ).

This is some parts of the stories that I want to share today. See you in the next post :)

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

New Life in Hesston

A new chapter of my life is commenced by starting a new life in Hesston. I have been here for 5 months since I got here on the 6th of August. I am completing my tertiary study at Hesston College, Hesston, Kansas, USA, in which I got a scholarship from. It was like a dream came true since I dreamed it in middle school. My dream was that I could continue my study abroad. I am glad that my dream becomes reality in the end.

I had to finish and prepare a lot of things before I came here: passport, visa, and other things that I had to bring. I had quite an experience when I applied for my visa; I did not get the visa when I applied for it for the first time. I was afraid that I could not come to the United States, but I got the visa when I applied for it the second time. This experience made me ponder about my study abroad. If I could not enter the United States that easily, then it would not be easy if I wanted to study there. I shall not underestimate my study there. I have to be diligent because I want to be a successful person in the future.

The first thing that came to my mind when I was on my way here is about making friends. How could I make friends in this school? I was afraid because I could not speak English fluently, but my worry did not become true. My positive thinking turned my worry around. I could get along with the people around me at Hesston College. When I arrived in the dormitory for the first time, my Resident Assistant (RA), Kayla, took me to my room. She was and still is a nice person. She showed me where my room was and helped me to bring my stuff. It was kind of awkward because usually I was shy to people whom I just met. My RA was not the only one helping me; the other faculty members were also very helpful.

I got a room in the third floor with a roommate, Jordan. She came from Goshen, Indiana. We met each other on August 18, 2012. She arrived here a bit later than me. However, we could get along easily. Even though we came from different countries, it could not prevent us from being best friends just like now. In the dormitory, normally there are two people in one room. We can have our own room if we want. During the first year, the international students would usually have American roommates. One of the purposes was that it would help the international students to learn English more, especially in speaking.

I am taking a nursing major in this college. I will study here for two years, and then I have to transfer to another college/university. The classes started on August 20, 2012. But, on August 18 and 19, 2012, there were freshmen games. All of the freshmen were playing some games together. The purpose of the games was to get to know the other freshmen in the college. We also played other games that taught us to work together as a group. Those games were a lot of fun. I met many new friends not only from America but also from another country.

I did not realize that the days went by really fast. I had classes from Monday to Friday. I was rather worried about the classes here. For example, I was afraid that I could not understand what the instructors said and how I could do the homework and the tests. But, my anxiety slowly disappeared as time went by. I kept trying to do my best here, get the best score, and reach my goal.

Finally, I had finished my fall term for the first year. I did all four of my final exams in a week. One thing that I am aiming for now is to get the best GPA possible at Hesston College. I have learned a lot of experience after finishing the fall term.

Anyway, I miss my family in Indonesia so much. My family and I keep in contact with each other using Skype. It can relieve that feeling of missing my family. I love my family. In this Christmas break, I still cannot meet my family back home. I am living with a host family together with my friends from Indonesia and Korea. I am sure I will gain more new experience from that.

Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Days of Me (2)

Continue my last story :)
About my study overseas.After i got all the documents from the College, I thought about my USA visa. Until , At 2nd of July came. I did the interview with USA visa officer in USA embassy , Jakarta. That was the first time for me. I had to stand along the line,checked my appointment letter, until got into the room where I interviewed by him.
The interview took about 10 minutes or more, depend on people themselves. I was so nervous at the time.Finally, My USA visa declined by embassy. That made me was afraid how to tell my family about it. Fortunately , I could apply the visa again . There was a letter from embassy when my visa was declined. The letter showed if I could apply my visa again, with one condition. I should bring the different requirements which could make him sure that I really wanted to study there.
Yeah, like there was a hope to get that visa. My family and I could learn from my mistake. We checked which documents that we should change. Started from beginning again, prepared my documents, did the appointment for the interview. In the beginning of August, the time for me did the interview. I got the visa finally. Hmmm, that was the answer from God. I prayed to God for asking Him,where I should to continue my study . Should I study overseas or in Indonesia. I believe God will give the best for Their children.
Actually, at 12-13rd of June , my friends and I joined SNMPTN test in Malang. The announcement of the result at 6th of July. Well, as what I hope before. God had answered me . He showed me that I should continue my study overseas not in Indonesia,'cause the result of my SNMPTN test. I didn't accept there ( UB or Undip ).
Last but not least, I conclude. . .When we have dream , just believe it , pray to God for asking Him and try to reach it. Because I'm sure that our dream will be hear by God and make it happen :) Absolutely, Agree with my Idol said "Dream , Believe and make it happen " She is Agnes Monica. Thank you guys . See you soon. END

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Days of Me ( 1 )

Hi Guys, :)
how's life ? fine ? not to fine? or something else. It doesn't matter.
I wanna share my last activities after doing national exam. Yeah, I am in holiday now. Talking about the university which i want to enter. formerly , i wanna enter in Airlangga University( state university )in my beloved country "Indonesia". We must join the test for it. We usually call the test with "SNMPTN - Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri "
thousands students trying to join the test.
That was my plan actually .
But , when i was in junior high school.... i have a dream. I wanna continue my study overseas. Yes, that is really what i wanty.
what's happen than? That isn't my dream now. Just little step for me to reach that.
okay , I'll share about it.
Last time I got new from my friend. He asked me to join for studying overseas. Where? USA exactly. i was very surprised to hear that. Than I said it to my Mom. Formerly, my mom didn't respond about it. The next day , my friend asked me again. How did my answer about it? Because there was a deadline for the school. So, I asked again to my Mom. My mom said , "okay. just try it. Maybe , God hear us. He knows that u wanna study overseas, dear :)."
After school, i and my Mom directly went to my friend's teacher home. We talked about it . Actually, the woman who helped me about the school there had same Church with me :) Few days later, I and my Mom prepared all the documents that we needed for apply the school.
The name of the school is "Hesston College" in hesston , Kansas, USA. I got the scholarship from the college. I choosed Nurse major in there. About one week later , my letter from the college and student visa arrived.

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Holiday :D

Hello everybody.. . . .
I'm back .
I have finished my National Exam on Thursday ( 19th of April 2012 ).
Yeah, that was fantastic moment .
Why did i call "fantastic"?
Usually , we as a student say national exam as " a War".
War to decide our graduation from Senior High school or Junior High School.
The "War" took place for 4 days. Like what i have to do last time .
First day : Indonesia Language.
Second day : English and Physics
Third day : Mathematics
Fourth day : Chemistry and Biology
For some students it made them were nervous while they did it. For me , no :D
Thanks to God ( who blessing me always ) , my family and my friends too for their prayer .
We just wait for the announcement at 26th of May 2012 , in graduation day exactly.
Hopefully , I get the best .

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Hi all . long time not post in my blog :) Like usual , because of many reasons : such as , i was lazy, many tasks from school, and any others . Ummm, , Now, i wanna asking to all of you about sth . just for sharing . . Okay, let's go . . Talking about death pinalty . Maybe, almost of you have heard about it. Dead pinalty is one kind of law which apply in some countries over the world. Do you agree with that kind of law? tell me your reason. When my teacher asked me last time about it. I replied if I don't agree with it. Actually , only God who can give death pinalty to someone. than ,i'm sure death pinalty can't apply in my country. We can change the punishment, maybe with doing social activities whole his/her life. I hope we can share about this . only for discussion . thank you

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Part 2

ketemu lagi ini :D. Mank hbs dr mana?wkwkwkwkw
ia udh lha langsung aja...
Come on,,heheheh

Kemarin2 udh pkai bhs Ingris, skrg Bhs.Indo dunk ^^,
Nglanjutin pengalaman yg kemarin deh, ,ttg pembuatan film kls berjudul
"Tak Ada Yang Abadi"
Kemarin aku blm cerita kan ttg film ini.
jadi ceritanya gini,,intinya aj ia :)

Ada seorang anak namanya Tegar. Cowok yang dilahirkan dalam keluarga tidak mampu. Tegar memutuskan mengikuti ujian masuk di sebuah SMA yang terbaik. Ia ingin merubah nasibnya.
Waktu pengumuman pun tiba, Tegar sangat gembira karena dia lolos masuk di SMA Favorit itu. Dia langsung pulang ke rumah dan memberitahu orangtuanya. Awalnya Emak ( ibu ) Tegar tidak setuju mendengar anaknya masuk di SMA tersebut, karena melihat faktor ekonomi keluarganya yang di rasa tidak mampu untuk biaya sekolah.
Namun setelah ayah Tegar menjelaskan kepada Ibunya sambil memberi nasihat kepada Tegar tentang sekolah dan kewajibannya yang tidak boleh ditinggalkan juga, akhirnya Emak tidak melarang lagi Tegar. Beberapa lama kemudian , ayah Tegar meninggal dunia akibat penyakitnya yang sudah parah.
Hari berlalu...Tegar sudah mulai masuk sekolah. Hingga suatu siang,, di rumah ia mendapatkan kabar bahwa emaknya telah meninggal dunia . Dia dan mbaknya sangat sedih. Tetapi mereka berusaha tidak berlarut-larut dalam kesedihan.
Di sekolahnya, ternyata ia tertarik dan jatuh hati pada seorang cewek bernama (). Di tengah-tengah ketertarikannya dengan cewek itu. Walaupun ia telah menjadi siswa di SMA favorit, hal ini tidak mengubah kenyataan. Bahkan ia mengalami konflik yang semakin berat, Tegar diadu domba dengan teman sekelasnya () . Sehingga ia bertengkar bahkan berkelahi dengan sahabatnya sendiri (). Ia sampai berniat untuk mengakhiri hidupnya.
Namun berkat bantuan ketiga teman karibnya, Tegar menjadi bangkit hingga pada akhirnya pun, permasalahannya dengan sahabat dan temannya yang mengadu dombanya selesai. Tegar juga telah menyatakan cinta pada cewek pujaan hatinya(). Takdir telah menentukan segalanya. Persahabatan, kesetiaan , intrik dan cinta telah mewarnai kehidupannya.
“Tak Ada yang Abadi” sebuah karya anak bangsa.